Boy Uzatma Ameliyatı

What is Height Enlargement Surgery?

Height Increase Surgery: Some individuals may be below height standards due to genetic, hormonal or other reasons. Height increase surgery has become an option for people who want to increase their height for aesthetic or functional reasons.

Average height restrictions may vary depending on geographical, cultural and genetic factors. However, a generally accepted limit is that the individual’s height is under 1.50 meters. This condition is called “constitutional short stature”. However, heights below 1.40 meters generally fall into the category of “dwarfism”, which is a medical condition.

Height enlargement surgery is possible from a young age. However, the procedures to be applied to children are generally determined according to their age and developmental stage. Different approaches are adopted before and after the age of 10. For adults, comprehensive evaluations are made before surgery, depending on factors such as bone structure, tissue condition and desired length.

When deciding on lengthening surgery, it is important to have a detailed consultation with a specialist orthopedic surgeon. Learning about the risks, benefits and recovery process of surgery helps the individual be more conscious and prepared during this process.

Why is Height Enlargement Surgery Performed?

Height increase surgery is a preferred method in modern medicine for individuals who think they are short or who need to increase their height due to a medical necessity. Today, thanks to developing surgical techniques, such operations are performed more successfully and safely. Let’s take a closer look at the reasons for applying for lengthening surgery:

  1.  Family history may point to genetic factors that directly affect an individual’s height. These genetic factors can lead to short stature.
  2. Some diseases that occur during childhood can prevent the development of height. In particular, some chronic diseases can negatively affect bone development.
  3. Not having a balanced and adequate diet may have negative effects on bone development, especially for individuals in their growth years.
  4. Deficiency or excess of some hormones in the body can cause height to be shorter or taller than normal.
  5. Some individuals may prefer height increase surgery for aesthetic reasons due to social pressure or personal expectations.
  6. Premature closure of the growth cartilage may prevent the individual from growing further in height. In this case, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Who can undergo height enlargement surgery?

Lengthening surgery is a treatment method recommended for certain individuals for different reasons. The main groups to which this surgical intervention is applied are:

  1. Those with Limb Inequality: Sometimes, either congenitally or as a result of an accident, an individual may have one leg or arm shorter than the other. Height enlargement surgery can be performed to eliminate such limb inequalities, thus ensuring that the individual has a more functional and aesthetically balanced body structure.
  2. Those who are naturally short: Short stature due to genetic or congenital reasons is called dwarfism. Heights below 135 cm in men and 130 cm in women generally fall into the category of dwarfism. Height enlargement surgery for these individuals is performed in order to improve their quality of life, starting from childhood.
  3. Applicants for Aesthetic Purposes: There are also individuals who want to increase their height without any medical reason. These individuals may resort to lengthening surgery due to social or personal aesthetic expectations.

What are the Lengthening Surgery Techniques?

The methods used in lengthening surgery may vary depending on patient characteristics, doctor’s experience and preferences, technological possibilities and the patient’s aesthetic expectations. When choosing an operation method, choosing the most appropriate one with your doctor is critical to achieving successful results.

External Fixation (Ilizarov Technique): This method, which has been used for many years, is performed by placing external devices on the bone. Although the Ilizarov technique is quite reliable, it may also cause aesthetic concerns due to the visibility of the device from the outside and the risk of leaving a scar.

Internal Fixation (Motorized Nail): In this modern method, devices placed inside the bone and controlled wirelessly from the outside are used. Its popularity has increased in recent years due to its less scarring and aesthetic advantages.

Combined Technique: This method, in which both external and internal devices are used together, offers a customized approach according to the needs of the individual patient. It aims to make the most of the advantages of different techniques.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. With technological advances, there are constant innovations and developments in the methods used in lengthening surgery. The healthiest approach would be to obtain detailed information about each of these methods before surgery and choose the most appropriate one together with your doctor.

Preparation for Height Increase Surgery: What Tests Are Required?

Height enlargement surgery is a major and serious surgical intervention, and before the operation, it should be evaluated whether the patient is ready for this process both physiologically and psychologically. Preoperative tests are necessary to determine the patient’s general health condition and suitability for surgery.

Medical History Review: The patient’s previous health problems, allergies, surgeries and medications he/she is using should be reviewed in detail.

Psychological Evaluation: Lengthening surgery may bring about emotional changes along with physical changes. For this reason, it should be evaluated how the patient will accept the surgery process and its aftermath, what his expectations are, and whether he is psychologically ready for this process.

Radiological Examinations: The patient’s bone structure, growth plate status and other orthopedic factors are evaluated with imaging methods such as X-ray and MRI.

Blood Tests: Basic blood values ​​such as hemoglobin, platelet count, white blood cells are checked. Additionally, tests on the patient’s kidney and liver functions may be performed.

Hormonal Tests: Checking hormonal values ​​such as thyroid functions and growth hormone levels can reveal potential factors that may affect the success of the surgery.

Before deciding on lengthening surgery, the patient should carefully listen to the doctor’s suggestions and recommendations based on the results of these tests, which will help the process to be completed healthily and successfully.

How is Height Enlargement Surgery Performed?

Height enlargement surgery is a surgical procedure that individuals can choose to increase their height. The surgery process works as follows:

  • The operation is performed under general anesthesia so that the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort.
  • The femur or tibia is entered and the bone is cut transversely with a procedure called osteotomy.
  • Special devices are mounted between the cut bone areas. These devices encourage new bone formation by keeping the bones separate in a controlled manner during the post-operative period.
  • On a daily basis, the bones are moved away from each other at a certain rate (usually 1 mm). By continuing this process, the desired height is reached.
  • Physical therapy practices are performed to ensure that the bones unite and strengthen in a healthy way. These treatments help the patient get used to the new bone structure and minimize the risks of possible complications.
  • After the surgery, the patient’s health condition is closely monitored. During this process, precautions are taken against any risk of infection or complications. In addition, it is important for the patient to eat and sleep regularly to support the healing of the bones.

Height enlargement surgery gives very successful results when performed by an expert team. However, as with every surgical procedure, there are possible risks in this surgery. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations and instructions before and after the operation.

Lengthening Surgery Duration and Post-Operative Process

Lengthening surgery may vary depending on the patient’s health condition and the scope of the surgery. However, the operation usually takes between 1.5 and 2 hours on average. This time may vary depending on the surgeon’s experience and the techniques used.

After the surgery, the duration of hospital stay is determined depending on the general condition of the patient and the healing process of the bone structure. Most patients’ health condition is under control within 48 hours after the operation. During this period, necessary examinations and checks are performed to prevent possible complications and to closely monitor the patient’s condition.

After a successful operation, if the patient’s general condition is good, he is usually discharged after 2 days. After discharge, the patient is recommended to rest at home, do the exercises recommended by the doctor, and follow the nutrition plan. The patient can usually return to his daily routine and work life after 15-20 days. However, this process may vary depending on the patient’s individual healing process and the doctor’s recommendations.

Boy Uzatma Ameliyatı Hakkında Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

For patients deemed medically fit, height enlargement surgery is a safe procedure if performed by an experienced orthopedic surgeon. However, as with every surgical procedure, there are certain risks in this surgery. These risks should be discussed in detail with your surgeon.

Usually patients stay in the hospital for 2 days after surgery. However, this period may vary depending on the general condition of the patient and whether there are any complications.

The amount of lengthening may vary depending on the type of surgery, the individual condition of the patient and the technique applied. However, an extension of 5-7 cm is generally expected.

A certain amount of pain can be expected after every surgical procedure. However, this pain can be controlled with painkillers and physical therapy methods.

Depending on the techniques used and the surgeon’s experience, scars may be minimal. However, with some techniques, scars may be more visible.

Yes, post-operative physical therapy is very important to stimulate new bone formation and preserve muscle function.

The surgery is completed in approximately 1.5 – 2 hours.

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